You know a few simple Yoga techniques can help students feel more calm, confident and focused. You yearn for a cooperative classroom of mindful students who know how to self-regulate.


Done-for-you lesson plans and practical online courses can make it happen.

Educators who practice Yoga:

  • Know how to engage a child and hold their attention
  • Create calm, positive energy in the classroom
  • Help kids self-regulate
  • Better manage teacher burnout
  • Teach health and wellness concepts that last a lifetime!


Kids who practice Yoga:

  • Have increased focus and attention
  • More easily navigate life's challenges
  • Learn cooperation and compassion
  • Have better mood management skills
  • Are able to make healthier choices

The Perfect Products for You

Themed Yoga Lesson Plans

Are you looking for ideas for a creative Yoga class for children?Ā  Do you want to incorporate engaging Yoga "play" in...

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Yoga Games for Children

Yoga games are an excellent way to help children develop self-awareness, self-regulation and self-mastery. They promo...

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Yoga for Stable & Calm Kids

Ahoy! Are your little pirates causing a mutiny in the kitchen or the classroom?Ā  This pirate themed course will give ...

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